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Welcome to CROPS

Curating, Replicating, Orchestrating, and Propagating Citizen Science across Europe

Where you’ll find everything you need to know about upscaling your citizen science activities.

CROPS aspires to inform and evolve the EU Research & Innovation system so that it can adequately support the transition of citizen science from small-scale to a Europe-wide level, moving it towards a modern, open-science approach.

On this site you will find a variety of tools, resources and guidance regarding the potential upscaling of citizen science practices, along with examples of projects that have successfully uspcaled their activities to the trans-national level.

To support the upscaling of citizen science, CROPS will undertake 4 interweaving tasks:

  • the appraisal of existing citizen science practices
  • the creation of protocols and guidance for the upscaling of citizen science
  • the identification and guidance regarding practical considerations, including data sharing, sustainability, RRI and funding
  • the development of transnational citizen science communities

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